Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hey Everyone! I have finally decided to blog about what is going on with the Hermance's. The boys are keeping Andy and I very busy. Ryan is 16 months and running all around. He loves to dance and play ball. He also likes to be outside. Jason is 5 months old and growing like a weed. He is loving any babyfood we give him. Both boys had a little trouble with the time change which meant Andy and I did too! Ryan seemed to enjoy Halloween this year but he really did not get the concept. He saw other kids picking candy out of our bowl so he did the same. He held onto the same Hershey bar all night long. He was only outside running around about an hour and then it was bedtime. I will have to figure out how to get some pictures on here.

Well, I got the pictures on but do not have time to figure out how to rotate the one of Jason! I will have to learn as I go.

1 comment:

Breanna said...

Hey Amy!

OMG there outfits are so cute!!! what a cute combo, a monkey and a banana!!!